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Light: Education and Culture

Light is an inspiring subject in many disciplines, and is the perfect catalyst to promote science education among young people. Teaching programmes using light science and technology build worldwide educational capacity through activities targeting children, addressing issues of gender balance, and focussing especially on countries with emerging economies.

The science and applications of light lend themselves naturally to encouraging local innovation, even in environments with limited resources. Moreover, education in light and light-based technologies acts as a lever to encourage careers in science and engineering, as well as stimulating entrepreneurship.

Light has influenced and continues to influence human culture. Studying the connection between light and culture throughout history provides valuable insights into the interactions between science, art, and the humanities, and brings greater understanding and appreciation of our cultural heritage.

Light has had significant impact on the visual and performing arts, literature, and human thinking. This theme provides an important bridge between science and culture, and will aid in breaking down the boundaries between these fields.

This website is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

This website is provided by, a collaboration between communicators from light source facilities around the world.

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