Quick Guide to Organize IDL 2018 Events

We are glad to announce that we reached 100 activities in over 40 countries worldwide registered in our IDL2018 Event Programme. Many individuals and organizations are helping us to shape up an exciting programme of activities for people around the world to celebrate the central role that light plays in the lives of the citizens of the world in areas of science, culture and art, education, sustainable development, and in fields as diverse as medicine, communications and energy by creating their own events.
We would like to encourage more people to organize IDL 2018 events in as many countries as possible. While taking part in a global celebration may seem intimidating, it is actually very easy to create an event. Find below several suggestions to organize an IDL 2018 event:
1. No need to re-invent the wheel. There are many examples of events that worked out quite well during the International Year of Light in 2015. Scientific institutions organized open-days in their labs, lectures, workshops, exhibitions, full-day events combining presentations and discussions or conferences. There were many light-themed exhibitions and festivals for the general public. Astronomers organized start-parties, scientists visited schools to discuss about what they do, artists shared their passion about light with art, music, illumination and light installations. Some people wrote articles about light in magazines or blogs and others organized light-themed film festivals, light walks, commemorative stamps. These are just few representative examples, for more ideas on what you can do, read the IYL2015 Final Report.
2. We are flexible! Are you already organizing an activity about light in May but not on May 16th? No problem. As long as it follows and respect the general goals of the International Day of Light in promoting science, education, art, culture etc. related to the broad themes of light and light-based technologies, we would welcome them as International Day of Light Activity.
3. Spread the word. Please don't hesitate to spread the word to your colleagues, and perhaps especially to your friends and family outside the community that already understands and appreciates the power of light. Light is a beautiful cultural metaphor for openness, inclusion and enlightenment, all qualities that the world today needs more than ever. We should not keep the International Day of Light to ourselves, but we should make sure that we involve everyone! Many of these people might get inspired and organize their own initiatives.
4. Reach out to your National Node. Would you like to get in contact with other people organizing events in your country/region? The best way is to contact the IDL 2018 national that are formed in different countries to coordinate, promote, and implement activities taking into account the needs and characteristics of different regions around the world. Getting in contact with your node is a great opportunity to benefit of larger networks to disseminate further your event, share best practices and find out about what will be organized in your country/region. You can find more information about IDL 2018 National nodes here.
5. Don’t forget to register it! The International Day of Light is a global celebration and we want to showcase in our Event Programme all the interesting initiatives that will be organized. Be sure to include your event here.
If you have further questions or comments, don’t hesitate to reach out to us by:
Facebook and Twitter using handle @IDL2018 and hashtag #IDL2018